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Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds. Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds. Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds. Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds. Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds. Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.
Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch)  Seeds.

Mexican Sunflower Seeds - Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch) Seeds.

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 Mexican Sunflower Yellow (Tithonia Speciosa Yellow Torch) - This beautiful yellow annual is grown from Mexican Sunflower seeds. The incredible 3 - 4 inch yellow flowers are excellent for cutting. They also are butterfly magnets, particularly the Monarch butterfly. Yellow Torch begins blooming in July or August and continues until frost. Place yellow Mexican Sunflower plants behind beds or borders where their coarse texture, rangy habit and vivid flowers will stand above less boisterous plantings. Tithonia may grow as a perennial in USDA Zones 10 - 11.

Growing Mexican Sunflower from flower seeds is very easy and fun! When frost has passed, sow the seeds directly into the prepared seed bed. Prepare the bed a couple of weeks before sowing and add organic mulch. Sow Tithonia seeds in groups of 2 - 3 seeds spaced 12 - 18 inches apart. Thin the seedlings to the strongest plant. The Mexican Sunflower plant will benefit from having the spent blooms removed. The plant thrives in hot, sunny climates and does best if it is allowed to dry out in-between deep waterings.